A confused genius

By Lez11

Showkat, a day in a life

Not a lot to report today. Showkat my commercial manager didnt go round his neighbours to sort out the branch "throwing over the garden" incident. This disapointed the whole team as we thought there would have been a punch up. There is also tonight and the weekend I suppose.

Showkat is one of the characters in the office as he is so negative and uptight. He has several sayings he uses all the time in the office, "the problem is", "one quick question", "the bottom line" and his favourite which he uses like a person with Tourettes syndrome, "c**t". We are planning to run a book on how many times a week he uses these sayings, closest to the number wins the money. I'm tempted to buy Showkat my pic of the day as I think he would appriciate it. A couple of christmas's ago I bought him a giant boob stress ball which is still in his desk draw as he still uses it he gets all uptight.

I'm currently comtplating on whether to buy me a new car or not. I have run mine into the ground and I could do with a smaller and cheaper to run car. To be honest if I had a garage I would get rid of my car altogether and have a moped.

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