Snow Down Under

By snowy


Ha Ha, on the way up to the orchard I remembered what day it was, April 1st, & the fun I had with the ostrich egg last year (!) so decided to have some fun again. Moose hit the right button early on, but not one blipper mentioned the date. At 85, I would surely know the difference between a pear & a quince, especially in my own garden ! I was on my way to pick them all to make Quince paste, which I did. I have 12 of these little beauties which I will freeze; then bring them out at drinks time with cheese & biscuits.
I've been wearing my "pickling" hat this week. Apart from the red pickle relish & 6 jars of beetroot, I've also cut up & made 3 kg tomato relish. This is my very favourite. Apart from seeing the filled jars, I love the different aromas that float round the house. If you walk in, you'll know I haven't been sitting around watching television !

Back to normality tomorrow.

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