Around and about!

By xLindax

Busy bee

The bee not me!

I had lunch with one of my favourite people then went on a macro hunt or as 'Jenceng' would say a macro safari. So armed with camera and tripod I trekked over green pastures followed a path and arrived on my patio. It was so hot and I was exhausted thank goodness I'd remembered to put the kettle on!!

Anyway there was plenty of bees doing bee things so I simply aimed and fired and voila here it is. He was a pleasant chap he sat there for quite a few minutes while I snapped away and then he just buzzed off!

On a different note, Brad came home from college today (It's his first week) he said he'd had another great day and was enjoying meeting lots of new people. 'So what was your History class like' I asked. 'Brilliant' he replied, 'I think I'm gonna like it in that group the teacher seems really cool and there's a great girl to boy ratio' ...Mmmm I think I feel another father not mum/son chat coming on!!!

Happy Wednesday peeps x

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