Treasures of the Walk

Went to work, worked, went back home.  This was shot on my way back to the car.

I haven't been chatting to anyone here lately.  There's been a lot on my mind.  I do drop by and leave stars, hearts, and congratulations, but my head is elsewhere.  It's already something that I even manage to take the daily shot for the blog, but it is really the blog that is important for me right now.  It grounds me and reminds me of the things I need to do, and helps also to remind me of the things I've already finished.  This week is the last week of Block 4 for the first-year students, and Block 3 for the rest following the traditional curriculum, and it feels good to be able to round off several things.  Not that there's nothing left to do, of course.  It's just that what's left for now isn't as urgent.

At home, though, things are on the urgent side for the weekend.  In the meantime, I finished the EU Discovery of China MOOC.  It was a brilliant course and I will surely miss it.  I did print-screen every lecture, though, including my own responses and those of others, and downloaded every video (for this MOOC alone, I downloaded 102), so I can look back anytime I want.  With regards to the house, the attic is getting cleared.  The ironing will be done tomorrow evening, and I've been at it at a steady pace for the past week, and that is because the weather has been really good and has enabled me to catch up with the laundry, which I can now hang outside.  Hubby has been mopping, dusting, and putting away.  His back is really bad and he's often out of breath, but he has set his own goals, and winning the court case last week has motivated him so much.  It feels good when we are both getting things done, and then take time to watch NCIS together in the early evening.

THANK YOU for dropping by sometimes.  I know you've been busy, too.

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