Latt Eh?

Just doesn’t appeal I thought.
This is in one of our favourite coffee joints here where the nice lady often comes out to talk with locals and their dogs .
AND has a water bowl too.

The Bossess gets through lots of this stuff while The Boss slurps Coke Z which has the same amount of sugar (none) and caffeine but added bubbles that tickle my nose so I don’t fancy that either. In the calorie race The Boss wins which means he can have more ice cream. He says that in life the one that has the most ice cream wins.
How come I have never …….
Blame that on how a previous Golden Retriever behaved with the stuff….Another story for another day…Right.

Anyway it was a fun outing on a luvely autumn day and probably the warmest we will see for a while as The Boss is threatening not to wear shorts tomoro.
My Furls can handle that too.

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