
Me, blipping that is!

I have been fully immersed in the life treadmill - eat, sleep, work, repeat. With the occasional, only-if-I'm-not-too-tired trip to the gym. 

I took this when I reached the gym the day the clocks went forwards. It was so nice to drive there in daylight for a change! 

My parents went to Spain for the week on Thursday  so I stayed at theirs. On Sunday, I had a nice lazy day, and then Little Ro and I took Little B to the park in the early evening for a walk. I think it was more that I didn't feel I could enjoy the gym in good conscience knowing he hadn't been walked, rather than a genuine desire to go, but it was actually really nice and we felt better for it.

The gym was fun. Two of my friends K and I are also somewhat injured, so we had a rather modified regime, although they did do bars and I couldn't. We foam rollered all of our sore muscles and did a sort of leg circuit to strengthen leg muscles.

The week went rather downhill by Monday, starting with me going to bed after midnight on Sunday, and then feeling less than perky the next day. Halfway through the morning, the boss announced she would need the children's assessment data today, and not by the end of the week as per the normal routine. Er, we're still doing them? Do they realise how long it takes five and six year old's to complete maths "quizzes" in small groups? Nuh Uh. 

We raced around all day to get them done, and then I did the unthinkable. I took all their books home....... :-0

I didn't feel well, and by 8:30pm, I finally sat down and turned my attention to it. My sister helped by trying to mark and work out the unreadable words, and in the midst of it all was Little B, stepping on all of the papers spread out on the floor, and proffering toys. 

Finally around 10:30pm, I had everything finished. But I was all out of sorts and went to bed too late again.

Tuesday was the music festival. I was asked to do a dance with the Year 2's, my class last year, and we did a Rumba piece to Colours of the Wind from Pocahontas. 

It involved a rehearsal with lots of other schools all morning which meant a short coach ride to another local school. And then an evening performance so it was an evening with no downtime. 

Wednesday I actually felt better, aside from the wall of tiredness I hit after school on the drive to see A, where I felt I didn't even have the energy to talk. I got home at 6pm, had a bath, decided to go to gym, and then Little Ro got out first and I didn't have the heart to leave the pupster all alone, so I abandoned the gym and dozed on the sofa whilst watching crap on tv. 

Thursday I woke up and just knew I didn't feel good. I felt nauseous and while getting ready all I wanted to do was sit down! I went to school but I wasn't right, so I asked to go home around 11am. I flaked out on the sofa and slept until around 4pm. Did not feel good but wasn't sick. Parents returned around midnight.

Friday was the last day before the hols and I wanted to go in. I actually felt better, but still felt not quite right whilst there. We finished early afternoon, and then I just sat around trying not to nap! 

Saturday my mum had now got a sickness bug, likely from her travels, so it was been spent helping keep everything running at their house, and feeling nauseous again myself. I was supposed to be going to a friend's birthday dinner tonight, but having deliberated all day I eventually had to admit defeat and accept that I just wasn't 100% enough to go. I went back to my house and had a quiet evening.

Which takes us up to today. And I'm feeling better! I feel I've wasted the weekend, and as it's so sunny I definitely want to get out for a walk or something. It doesn't really matter, I've got two whole weeks off so I have time to do everything I want to. 

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