Heart of gold

Relatively productive day. After breakfast I put some forest green fence coat on some old fence panels - the moment they are more paint than wood, but if that will extend them another year then that's good enough for me.

We then for a bike ride. I'm not up to normal fitness, but we've gradually extended each weekend ride by a few kilometres each weekend, so we are getting back towards normal fitness. I'm not cursing at 25 km/h for 2-3 hours yet, but 22.5 km/h for an hour and a half will do at this time of year. If it's dry next weekend we'll extend the ride to two hours, and see how fast we can do that. If it's dry during the week I'll also cycle in twice as that's a good way to rebuild fitness.

After the bike ride I had a banana milkshake and the did some surfing before I went into the cool sunshine to look for a picture. The extra is from our Mirabelle plum which is looking very happy but the main picture is a cultivated primrose that my better half doesn't like but more importantly the slugs evidently don't either. My better half and the slugs have the same taste in primroses and cow slips, but that's not such a good arrangement!

Now it's time to go and make soup for the week and a sausage and bean casserole for dinner.


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