The Auction

Most of the day was spent at the auction as mentioned yesterday. So.....we made £134 which minus the cost to place and commission came down to £111. My brother and I shared it, so £55 each. Expenses amounted to....petrol there and back twice approx £25? Two bottles of water and a cup of tea, £3 and I spent £29 on items I fancied. So, a total profit of -£2. I'm not sure this is what Mum meant when she said......don't just bin my things or give them away, some were your Nan's and are valuable!!! Only a coin collection, RAF memorabilia, NAna's sewing bits and a cigarette card collection that neither Brother or I can remember where it is, to deal with now!

As soon as we got home, we walked Dog. High tide and fishermen out. So in one day I witnessed two of the things I have on my retirement bucket list.....learning to fish and wheeling and dealing at auctions!

Quite late by this time and both of us tired, so got a Chinese, watched Vera, (read fell asleep in Vera) and now in bed, blipping before I fall asleep again!

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