Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Heads up!

Yes, another hummingbird - can't say I didn't warn you, though. There are about a half dozen still here, as best I can tell. Haven't seen a mature male for several days, so am guessing they've all gone south. Mostly I am seeing immature males and females (unknown as to whether they are adults or first-years).

So, today's shot... it's a bit different and I think that is what I like about it. This little guy was perched in the middle of the salvia, with his head thrust in the flower. This seems to be one of their favorite blooms this time of year so I always make sure I have bunches of it around the deck and patio. It is so unusual to see them perch while they are gathering nectar. I have posted six other hummie shots of flickr, starting HERE if you'd like to have a look. And I think today's shot is worth a look in LARGE, too.

The cardinals have definitely fledged at least two chicks from their second brood this year. Dad had both of them around this morning for a lesson in feeder-navigation. Here is the Young Male and here is the Young Lady. Their beaks will turn that brilliant red as they mature - right now they are a bit drab, but still quite adorable.

Made a quick trip to the farm to cut some flowers from their fields and take a few photographs. Saw my first variegated Fritillary butterfly - what a beautiful creature!

Husband seems to be surviving the man-cold and even felt well enough to go into the office today. I have dodged the bullet - not that I would ever actually be able to get a man-cold. of course. Women only get the much-less-serious "common" cold. Or so I am told. I occasionally have to remind the hubs that brain tumor trumps man-cold. haha!

Thank you for sending Zorro to the spotlight page - and thank you for continuing to be enthusiastic about my hummer shots. Won't be much longer now and they'll all be gone... Yes, that may have been a tiny sob you just heard...

Hey, it's Hump Day! Let's celebrate!

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