This female (I think) mantis followed me as I worked in the garden today - it was a bit like my substitute gardener's robin. How exotic. However, she obviously didn't like the sight of me as, whenever I tried to get a photo of the front of her head, she turned away. So here's the back of her head. Well, I think so anyway.
So, some gardening today, amongst limited 'mad Wednesday' ferrying the kids to clubs (only riding has started up this week - other clubs will get going next week after the big 'freshers fair' style activities exhibition in town this weekend), and some lovely shopping for a wee present for a new baby just arrived in London yesterday. Ooh that was fun - I love shopping for babies.
Not much else going on really: my freelance website is down so I can't get any new work, which is mildly annoying since I've finished all the ironing... Ah well, I shall just have to slob on the sofa with a glass of wine and some crisps. Hard life.
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