Already that time again...

An event I have every spring and every autumn, changing from winter to summer wheels and from summer to winter wheels. Something I have done as long I have had a car. I also use the opportunity to wash thoroughly under the wheel cover, checking brakes, put copper greas on every screw bolt and asure that everyting is put in order. I don`t know about anybody but me who pick small stones from the season out of the winter tyres before the tyres are thoroughly washed and stored away. My friends go to the wheel garage, get cuppa while they wait for their tyres to be changed and stored in the tyre hotel until the winter tyres are put on again. They never see how it is behind their wheels. I also see neighbours ordering companies to come to their place to change the wheels on their cars. I understand that is comfortable, and I will never say never to that I will not do the same one day, but not today or as long as I manage my wheels. Mrs B says I am a bit peculiar when it comes to cars. Better that than be pecuiar on other things, if you ask me. Wish  you a nice Monday. My late evening spinning day.       

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