Both Sides Now

By issybe


This portrait is found in the corridor of the hospital where our son spent 7 months!

On the 2 May 2015 our son suffered a cardiac arrest due to a previously undiagnosed heart condition.

He was without sufficient oxygen for 28 minutes and needed to be shocked 7 times before his heart started again.

We were told he was unlikely to survive.

But he did ... ! two weeks later we were told he had suffered global hypoxia and would not regain consciousness

But he did ... ! at that stage we were told he would remain in a vegetative state without no quality of life and unable to take in his surroundings. He would not walk again, eat again, speak again or recognise us again.

But he did...! and he has learned to swallowed, eat, smile, speak, laugh, walk, wash, dress, read and write again.

Sheer hard work and determination on his part!

Today, nearly two years later, he travelled to London independently. He is going back to the job he had done and loved so much before all this.

Yes, issues remain - mild aphasia being one of the more troublesome ones - but he will overcome this too!

Today is a MASSIVE day for him and us!

Ridiculously proud of him!!

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