Rollin' Rollin'Rollin' ..

Dry but overcast. The contractor back to sow spring oats then onto spring barley. The other yoke busy ploughing stubble ready to go into spring barley.
Sent Kev up to the hill with the 5 * lambing caravan. Think it made it without anything falling off. And he didn't get stuck this week , which is always a bonus.
I went away after lunch to roll the barley field that was drilled yesterday. Quite a lot of stones to lift as per usual.
Brian from Border Livestock came out to look at some cattle that are for sale and took some photos to put on the website.
While he was here I got a phone call from last week's auctioneer to see if I had any more cattle for next week's sale . Should have just let them speak on the phone and sort out the highest price !

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