Two of the Two Hundred

Went to work, worked, went back home.

These two belong to one of my two first-year homeroom classes.  They did their sales pitches today and I videoed them, after which these two asked me if I could take their picture, which, as you can see, I did.  In case you're wondering, I have 6 homeroom classes -- two in the first year (I also teach them International Business Communications), one in the second year (I also teach them IBC), and three in the third year who I do not teach but merely coach.  I have two other classes in the first year who take Project Management with me (now you know how that MOOC is being used), one other class in the second year who also take Project Management with me, and one class in the third year whom I supervise for Academic Writing.  In short, a full schedule.  I do not mind.  This is how things were when I was still working at the Police Academy, so it's not new to me at all.  One nice thing about this job, though, is that I no longer need to drive 1000+ kilometers a week.

Almost done with week 3 of the Ancient Superpowers MOOC, finished the ironing as I had promised myself, then the dishes, and some NCIS.  The days are flying by, and maybe that's a good sign.

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