
By Murmuration

No, don't laugh

Oh, alright then, you can if you like!
When I began my current job, 3 years ago, my job title was - escort. Whilst this sounds very exciting it just actually means that I am on the mini bus escorting the clients  - older adults, although some not much older than me - into the resource centre for the day. We used to have lots of clients which necessitated a couple of runs to collect them by which time the morning was practically over. However, as time has progressed and with various changes to council charging policy , care cutbacks etc, our client base has reduced considerably which means I am now much more involved in activities including spending Tuesdays helping with the art group. One can only admire the optimism of whoever it was that thought it would be a good idea  to put me in a group aiming to produce art. We have some very talented artists in the group, and a few who have discovered talents they didn't know they had - by the age of 99! The other worker in the group suggested I give it a go myself and so this is my first watercolour attempt. My only defence is that when I took the photo of it the little image on the screen indicated it was taking a photo of flowers, so can't be all bad.
No don't laugh. Oh, alright you can if you like!

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