Spring Flower Festival

The day did not start well as when I took the charged battery up to the allotment I couldn't get it to connect! I fiddled, I shook it, I reattached it and after  half an  hour finally got it working! Luckily the  coop member on opening duty was there and we had a good chat and she identified one of the many bird calls as a chiffchaff!  
The rest of the day went perfectly! The sun shone and we had the best time at Boconnoc! We were met by the heads in my first extra and I fell in love with them! After going round half the show I decided I was going to buy one but when it came to paying my sister bought it for me as my birthday present! Can you guess which one I got? See them all here!
I also bought for us each  an iron robin on a long spike, pink secateurs and flower snips, 6 echeverias which we will divide so we have 6 each  to go in our  mini glasshouses, ( and when they multiply I will divide them again and transform some shoes that I love but no longer wear!) 2 bars of speciality chocolate, 2 cordials (one lime to go into my sisters gin, )plant labels, a plain and a variegated sage, a pleione for me and a Pink Kisses dianthus to go in my head plant pot, , herb seeds for me and flower seeds for sister, hot mini doughnuts and coffees!   Lunch was difficult as the only vegetarian option was chick peas and spinach or a cheese and onion pasty! Obviously gardeners are not very vegetarian! In the end we had a potato dish with bacon to share and I had just the potato! We also saw dogs of every description and were totally amused by the very posh female announcer's voice that made everything seem like a complaint - even when it was a pair of gloves left in the Talk tent! 
Home to unpack and coo over all the purchases and then back to the allotment - mercifully the battery was still flashing green! 
As I was taking the Trillium which is my blip I heard a woman say to a man who I realised were both watching me take multiple photos of it " each to their own!" They obviously didn't see the beautifully graceful  form to it that I did!

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