Happy Daze

By Dazed

They're alive...ALLLIIIIVE!

Oh happy day - three days early but the tortoises have come out of hibernation. Mr D went to check on them earlier and they were stirring - even in the fridge! - so we brought them out, gave them a bath and they were ready for action.

We looked at some tortoise husbandry websites and apparently drinking/eating can be an issue post hibernation. We gave them both a warm bath and encouraged them to have a wee drink then towelled them off (with a warm towel, do I spoil them?!) and then proffered some mustard greens from the fabulous Chinese supermarket on Leith Walk. No problems with their appetite as they munched away and were soon crawling all over us/sniffing us/biting us.

My picture of the Hing Sing supermarket was going to be my blip but I was so happy to see Homer and Dinks up and about again. There's been a lot less poo to clean up while they've been asleep but I've missed them so much.

P.S. That is a cord from Mr D's jumper extending from Homer's head!

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