These little buds are a joy to see because this particular clematis didn’t have many last year - this year, however, it is covered with buds, so we are eagerly awaiting the blooms and watching this new life in our old clematis plant.

We bought a new clematis yesterday from the Walled Garden Nursery at Brinkworth - so we will look forward to that blooming too and no doubt this will be blipped in time.  

It was a beautiful sunny day yesterday, but today is grey, windy and quite cold, so Mr. HCB has been in the garden digging before the promised rain comes.  I hope it holds off for a while longer, as I need to go out and tie in some of the shoots on various plants before the wind breaks off the tender stems and yes, I know that the blue trellis needs sorting out too, but I rather liked the effect behind the clematis buds.

Made me think that we can be like those stems - buffeted by the wind and the circumstances in our lives and sometimes we need something or someone to come alongside to hold us firm.  

We were talking last night at our last Lent Home Group about the difference between a spring and a well - and decided that a spring was continually renewing itself and bubbling up whereas a well was still and could often be stagnant rather like the water surrounding the tree that I blipped for Derelict Sunday.

Spiritually, I want to have the living water in my life that Jesus promised so that I am continually being renewed rather than the stagnant water which makes for a boring and hum-drum life.  I know which one I prefer and as Easter approaches, I hope that rather than being tainted by the world-view of this season, I will experience what Jesus went through for me and receive the life He offers freely to all those who believe.

"Easter spells out beauty -
     the rare beauty
          of new life."
S.D. Gordon

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