Life In Wales

By KarenC

Preston Park

I had a 9.15am appointment with Karin, the lymphedema therapist this morning just to check on my arm. All was fine and she said the swimming and the 'sleeve' are helping and it's certainly no worse.

I parked the car on the other side of Preston Park and the cafe had just opened when I passed. I didn't stop for a drink though as I had to get home to get ready for work and take the boys to Charlotte's for grooming.

I stopped off at the pet shop where we bought Sherbet as I needed to pick up some more sandpaper for his cage and they had a lot more canaries in, including a lovely little white one with slight orange markings. I had a chat with the owner about the way Sherbet sings and warbles and he said it does sound like he's male as the females only make one sound.

I dropped the boys off, chatted to Alan on my way to work at 1pm - it was 5am in Phoenix and he'd already been awake an hour.

My friends Lorraine & Jen and Emily (Lorraine's daughter) arrived this afternoon, they're staying with me until Saturday, so they'll be good company while Alan's away.

You may remember that a few of us entered the Brighton Pretty Muddy 5k last summer to raise money for Cancer Research, and some of you kindly donated. Well team Bosom Buddies has entered again this year and I have another Just Giving page if any of you can spare even just £1.00 to this worthy cause. Fellow blip friends Tamzin and Charlotte are joining me again and Charlotte and I are planning to do it three-legged!

Anyway, I'm still at work so must get on, have a nice evening!

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