
I had hoped to have the time (& energy) to upload to my computer some photos I took in Hoddesdon this morning. However, a day of rushing about left me just wanting to sit in front of the tv. So you get Bracken and a field of yellow, which I took in the village this evening on our walk.

I slept well on the top bunk last night, at Manda's. Henry and I were both awake just after 8. By 10 we were saying our thankyous and i drove up to Hoddesdon town centre. I went with the intention of photographing some significant high street buildings. Firstly the church I was married in - St Pauls I knew it as, but it's now St Paul & St Catherine. I showed Henry and tried to describe where the tiny infant school classrooms used to be. We walked across to Haslewood but it was impossible to get a photo as the wall was too high. Then up the high street. It is so full of parked cars, they spoilt any view I could get of the old buildings. I wanted to photograph The Salisbury. It was where Jon and I spent our Saturday evenings in the late 80's. It has become 'The Star' but worse than that, it is a Wetherspoons. In all it was a disappointing trip down memory lane. I may try painting the church though, if picture has come out.

From there we went to mum & dads for coffee and a short catch up, before getting on the A10 to Cambridge. We stopped at The Magog Downs and had a cup of tea with Jon. By 2pm we were back on the road, for a slow trek, mainly due to too many tractors, back home. I just had time to unload the bureau and put on the bike rack, before driving in to Cromer to collect Mollie.

Bracken was super pleased to see us, leaping about, so I took him for quite a long walk through the village and across a field that I blipped him on a week ago. There usually aren't any other dogs, so I feel comfortable letting him just run. I picked up a lovely black and white marbly stone in the field. I must look it up. I was thinking that it really should be classed as valuable in some way; millions of years old and in the making. The fields are so full of flint and similar....but now I'm on the look out for an Alfred the Great silver penny- the first coin made at the royal mint. The metal detector will be dusted down...

Back home, I have started to fill the bureau with all my card making art and craft bits, so will finish that tomorrow. I played catchup with Broadchurch and now it's bed.

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