Allotment 2017, first photo

Days have been settling into a regular pattern recently. A bit of work first thing in the morning. Thankfully, I've completed the sizable task of downloading and listing content and provided suggestions for next steps.

Next comes coffee then we go and do a few things. Today it was to a glazier for glass to replace the panes we broke when dismantling the greenhouse. Those were quickly inserted so now the greenhouse is complete. We looked at a replacement mini greenhouse to go inside and a paraffin heater too, but couldn't get what we wanted at the local garden centre. A quick look on line found exactly what we needed so they were ordered.

The afternoon was spent at the allotment as you can see. I put some string to support the broad beans, planted some more peas and generally did a bit more tidying while Susan sowed rows of parsnips, carrots and three sorts of beetroot and barrow loaded some manure to the communal heap.  It was generally cloudy and quite cool most of the time we were there, just before we came home the skies cleared and the sun came out which meant I could take the first photo of the allotment this year from the top of the adjacent dung heap.

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