Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

893. WildWed53 - A Rare Beauty....

This young lass works in our local pub and she has a really striking look...I worked up the courage to ask her if I could photograph her today for my WildWed challenge as she has such a unique (and in my opinion) a rather "wild" look!
She was surprisingly coy about getting her photo taken and didn't like the first one I took so in between serving customers we took a couple more and this was the one she was happiest with....
I have processed it very slightly in Topaz Glow 2 and cooled it down quite a bit.....what a lovely lass she was too...I'll maybe let her see this one (although she says she doesn't want to!) and she is going to be the subject of my next attempt at doing a portrait on my slate....

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