Spring Picnic

It was a beautiful and sunny Sunday, and I reminded mum to please bring a picnic on our walkie outing. So she made a sandwich, but she couldn't find any proper fika bread. We stopped for petrol, and when she came back from inside the station, she brought five super tiny doughnuts! Smelled divine, they did!

We went to the bird lake, and since it was the weekend, there were loads of other people there. Imagine how happy we were when we found that our favourite picnic spot was free! The water level in the lake was so high up it was nearly up over the floor boards, so Rupert and Wolf watched from inside the backpack while we had our picnic so they wouldn't accidentally fall into the water. The munchkins were awesome!

Then we went walkies by the lake and over the fields. Rupert and Wolf studied all the bird species in the lake and had a great time. I was happy and bouncy and in exploring mode. This is one of my favourite walkies!

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