
By FarmerGirl

Drake on a post

Mr Paradise Duck was sitting on a fence post this morning, keeping watch for Mrs Duck who was busy keeping her nest of eggs warm, not far away. The closer I got to Mr Duck, the noiser he got, and the pitch of his voice became higher - something I haven't noticed before. He was obviously sending out a danger signal to his Mrs. Not long after this, he flew off - he mustn't like being the subject of a camera going off!

Many thanks to all blippers who commented and gave hearts and stars to my blip yesterday of the Jersey calf licking her nostil! She went to Spotlight at midnight, and when I got up in the morning, she was sitting in top spot, where she stayed for most of the day. My calf had 13 favourites given to her - the most I have ever received. So, many thanks for taking the time to view my blip - it certainly looks like you enjoyed it!

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