The house is very quiet...

... even Nature has dared to return now that the noisy Armstrong rabble are back at school.

This little fella is pottering about at the end of the garden eating the fallen apples. I've got a feeling it might be injured; I've been up very close and although he hops away, he doesn't fly off into the trees. Any advice blip people? It obviously hides away when the dog is about, but I'm pretty sure it's not flying anywhere.

Thank you for your lovely good wishes for Elliot's first day at Secondary School yesterday. He had a great day (sighs of relief all around). Today he has his first German lesson, which he's a bit grumpy about, as he's been learning French at Primary school. He'll be stuck with German now for the next couple of years at least.

ps. I almost blipped this today, but as Mr A says, I've done plenty of butterflies, and I don't often set out to get birds as I don't have a long lens.

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