No Rest

While it would have been wonderful to have had a day at home we had to be up at 5am to catch the two trains needed to be at the hospital in Newcastle for 9am.
Saw the consultant and we agreed the latest finger to be treated looked very satisfactory.
Our only concern was the adverse reaction Mr P had experienced at the time.
Consultant felt this was a one off and didn't mean it would happen next time.
So Mr P is back on the list to have more treatment at Newcastle on one of his little fingers ( he's already had two operations on it in the past)
He is also on the list for a further operation in Leeds on his thumb and index finger.
It's a bit like the painting of the Forth Bridge- never ending!

On the train going up to the North East we passed lots of rapeseed fields.
We don't get them in our part of Yorkshire or billowing clouds such as these as it is so hilly in comparison to the east.
Therefore it was a novelty to be able to photograph them from the train.
Thank you so much for your supportive comments about my fear of flying even though l knew the fear was illogical.

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