
By Smokey

Health Balls

Have been raiding the house for things that will go into the garage sale tomorrow. I had forgotten I had these. They came in a pretty, oriental box with the following information: 

"Health balls were first produced in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). A weaponry blacksmith guided by the gods fashioned these iron balls to produce the sounds of a roaring Dragon and the singing of the fabled phoenix. He achieved this by sealing balls and soundboards inside spheres of iron. 
Having received them as a tribute to his court the Emperor of the time rejoiced at their beauty and installed them as one of the palace treasures.

Although initially ownership of the health balls was reserved for the Imperial family and government officials alone they were soon manufactured and enjoyed all over the realm. They were used as articles in Buddhism martial arts and as a preventative and cure in Chinese medicine."

The slip of paper has a lot more to say but I have to keep on the move now to be sure I've collected up everything I'm trying to relieve myself of. I've decided to keep the health balls as they're pretty and make an interesting sound when manipulated in the hand. They also smell fabulous as they've been living in my aromatherapy oils cupboard. (Senses of sight, touch, hearing and smell all involved here.)

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