Office of the Notary Public

They're all solicitors, but they want to point out that solicitors and notaries do not have the same job descriptions.  Whatever, they are expensive.  That said, I'm not tempted to return as either one in my next life.  In my next life, I think I'd want to be simply Bohemian ... or Burgundian.

After a quick inspection at 13.30, during which we could see that they were rushed when they emptied the kitchen, we all drove to the legal offices and went through the documents together, after which the keys were (in)formally handed over to us.  I'd never experienced this before because when we bought our current house, I just signed at home.  This is the first time we've bought a house completely outside anyone's sphere of influence and I suddenly felt as though I'd come of age -- there was no euphoria.  It was so down-to-earth, and the sense of achievement was different because there was, and still is, more responsibility on our part.  After the previous owners had left, we hung around because we still had to sign the papers in connection with the bank.  We have been able to get a very good deal with the bank because our current house is fully paid for, but everyone hopes we get to sell it soon.  I'd love to turn over the entire amount to pay for the new house.  Then, and only then, will we go out to dinner.

This evening, hubby returned to Breda for his Monday bridge evening, and I loaded the car with the first seven boxes, and a dusting cloth, and drove to the new house.  I carried them upstairs and then cleaned out the closet and bathroom cabinet.  It won't be the last time.  I am pleased that the electricity and water didn't need to be turned off.  The meters were read and the previous owners will simply get a bill at their new address.  Tomorrow, the guy who fixed up a few items in our old house will show up at 16.30 and hubby and he will take a look around and see what needs to be done.  The living room needs a new layer of paint, and the two small bedrooms, too.  All in good time.  Altogether, it's been a good day.

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