A New Day

By ANewDay

A Bit Breezy Today

Glad we decided to do the Fife visit yesterday, as today's weather is completely different. It's blowing a gale although it's not too cold at the moment and we've been out in the garden cutting things back and trying to tidy up. Not easy when the wind blows your clippings all over the place:)

I had the wind up me as well today when I thought I'd lost all the photos stored on my computer! I had an invitation to join SkyDrive to store pictures in the cloud (or some such term!), so I duly signed up and tried to copy the photos over (all 12,000 of them!). They vanished from sight somewhere in the ether and I nearly had forty fits! Most of them are stored on an external drive too, but I don't always backup as often as I should.

After a scary search, I managed to find them all again and spent ages copying them back to where they were. I really should learn the old saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"!

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