Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Sing... Sing a song...

Not entirely thrilled at returning to reality after a very nice mini-holiday. I'm back to being princess panic, after five days of almost nothing to worry about.

But, things did take a very sweet turn this afternoon when I got the darling son home from school. We have a routine - I sit with him for a while, and we have a sing-along. He's obsessed with Gotye, particularly THAT song, which he demanded I learn so that we could sing it together.
I've now been singing that song with him most days for the most part of a year.

Anyway. Today, out of nowhere, he started drumming on my guitar. In perfect time, with varying patterns between verse and chorus. He also managed to sing properly while doing that. Singing while drumming is not an easy task for even an accomplished musician. So, you can imagine how proud I was of my five year old. He was awfully smug, too. And rightfully so.
Now, because of my line of work, I am friends with much of the Australian music industry (and a good selection of international names, too), Gotye is one of those. Darling son knows this. Darling son promtply told me "you have to video us singing this and send it to Wally, Mum. I think he'll be very impressed with me, and I will be excited".
Sure enough, I sent an email off, letting him know what just happened, and that I will record it sometime over the next few days when we've practised, then forward that on to him for his perusal.

I think he'll be impressed, too.

Seeing as I was busy, y'know... Singing and playing guitar at the time of this, I obviously couldn't photograph it. By the time I had some time to do anything, the darling had already flaked out for the night.
So, you'll have to appreciate my beautiful guitar, instead.

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