Two Hours for Nothing

Feeling VERY tired today, but went to work anyway to attend a 1.5-hour meeting plus check some mail.  Felt like a zombie but otherwise fine.  Just physically catching up with the rather busy block behind me.  I was very quiet during the meeting except for an occasional question.  What I do not like about these meetings is that very often there's a lot of info but you know the info won't be valid for very long.  This specific meeting was about the second year of the new curriculum, and, as has been happening, everyone's trying to nail down things that everyone knows can't be nailed down yet because the work is still in progress.

Enough blah.  Detoured by my favourite horse farm on my way home and shot them at a distance.  Then drove home and phoned hubby at the new house to ask if the handyman had been.  Yes, and he won't have time to do anything till about May because he's fully booked at the moment.  This can only mean two things -- one, the rest of the boxes can't be moved yet because two, we'll have to do the painting ourselves, or at least start on it.  This actually refers to me because hubby won't do any painting due to his back, shoulders and arms.  He has already started doing extensive work on the garden and that's a lot.  Seems the previous owners neglected it completely.

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