Balmy Barnsley...
...and a day of culture and the outdoors...
This morning visited the Cooper Gallery in Barnsley to see the exhibition of Picasso's lino cuts - amazing that he was 80 when he first started work in this new medium! Loved his Still Life Under The Lamp.
Sat outside in the sun for lunch - it's April, for goodness sake...
YSP this afternoon - up to the Longside Gallery to see a new exhibition from the 60s Kaleidoscope, and also took in the new installation near the lakes by Zak Ove - serried ranks and slightly threatening - and several permanent pieces including some old rubbish ( see extras ).
Hope it's a suitably silly trio admirer - we had a fun day with Pam ;)
Thanks for comments and stars for yesterday's dereliction - and I'll catch up with your journals after the weekend ;)
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