Brunch with my ......
...... grandson "O ".
Yesterday I had a text from " O " asking if I'd like to go to Brunch this morning, we went to a favourite French coffee shop in Crystal Palace , it was just lovely having time together talking and sharing a laugh or two.
He's such a lovely lad, he's off to Greece to be with his girl friend over Easter and then they will return together. He works so hard he deserves his break, tho' he will be missed.
I did a bit of washing ( towels ) and then took the top off the grass, it now needs another cut with the box on the mower. I really felt the pressure but " A " was going to do it on Friday , that was a no no as he was on sticks! However it should be easier for him now tho' he still not 100% so we'll see how it goes on Monday!
Hope everyone has enjoyed the sunshine it certainly has been a lovely day .
Thankful ...... to be able to sit down, as I may have over done it , again !.
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