Do what the clock does: keep going!

Today started Emma's team's semi-finals! Pyrintö B-girls drove to Espoo where they had a match against Tapiolan Honka 2. Those two teams are very well-matched, and we knew already beforehand that this will be very tight and exciting game. Girls traveled there by bus, me and hubby by car. We had some time in Espoo before the game started so we headed to the WeeGee Exhibition Centre, which lies just around the corner of Tapiola Sports Hall. We had a snack there and also had a sneak peak to the The Finnish museum of horology. Today's photo is from there.

The match started at 12:15. Whichever team could have won, this time Honka was better by 4 points: Tapiolan Honka2 - Pyrintö White   72 - 68
A proud mama reports that Emma was brilliant! She said they'll win tomorrow - these two team will have the second match tomorrow in Tampere. (Emma is a captain of her team.)

Girls returned to Tampere by bus (grandpa picked Emma up from Samke) and me & hubby stayed in the capital area few more hours. We had a late lunch, a walk by the sea and we also went to see the second half of Pyrintö A-girls match against Helmi in Malmi. It was exciting game too, unfortunately also here Pyrintö lost; the end result was 92-80. They'll also have replay tomorrow. 

We were back home in the evening. On the way to the Espoo and back we saw many migratory birds: tens of gooses, whooper swans, cranes and northern lapwings.

At 23:00 I started to bake Tosca Pie for the cafeteria of tomorrow's  game. The excitement continues tomorrow!

+7°C, mostly cloudy

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