What's on my board

I was planning to blip some new pound coins but I also wanted to be involved in the blip community challenge.  Fortunately I had taken a picture of some food I ate yesterday.  It's not unusual for me to do that! Mr RIU finds it a rather irritating habit of mine. 
He was more irritated that I didn't share my grapes.

Continuing to copy my facebook group post......

The good work of the week has been undone.


Hello.  This is the #daily #checkin for #Sunday 9 April 2017.   
There was a thread about sleep in the group yesterday and as I had more than usual last night I thought I would write about it today. 
I generally go to bed at around 9.30-10pm and get up at around 4.30-5am.  I am not a heavy sleeper at the best of times and anxiety, a weak bladder, a snoring partner and a poorly dog contribute to me often not getting much sleep.  I’ve been using a Fitbit HR to monitor my sleep since the Autumn of last year.  I have not noticed any difference in the amount of sleep that I manage on a FD v a NFD and as we (in the UK) move into Spring and the dawn chorus begins earlier and earlier I am curious to see if the amount of sleep I get changes.      
I’ve read posts from people who have noticed that they go to bed earlier to avoid temptation on a FD, from others who say that they struggle to sleep because they are hungry or from those (I think fewer) that say that they sleep better. 
The reason for my extra sleep?  Alcohol.  It's also responsible for the poor choices yesterday.  I rarely drink much these days but yesterday was the last day at the beer festival and my partner joined me there when my shift finished and we had a 6 hour mini pub crawl.  II was only having half pints and they were low strength beers but I did have 'enough' and I did go to bed at 8.20, shortly after we arrived home.   

Weight 11.8 stone  (74.9.kg) (+2 pounds) 
BMI 25.4 
BMR 1392 calories 
TDEE 1671 calories 
Snack Count – TWO  
Teak with skimmed milk 2 
Coffee 2 
Water 2 
Granola biscuit 
Pulled Pork bap 
Cheese and biscuits 

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