End of a long day

A long and in many ways disgraceful meeting today - too many people using their (new) executive positions to settle old scores, to revisit old wounds.
At 10am this morning it looked a lot like there was no longer an International Union - the President had stormed out, the delegates in disarray - an utter lack of any professionalism, leadership or integrity from the top table, I'm not often (really) shocked, but today i was.
But this Union is important, more so than ever now for my members in this post Brexit world - so with the help of the Belgium, German & Czech association Presidents we forged a series of (accepted) proposals to hold us together. Im now the acting Secretary (the former simply would not return) until our next General Assembly - at which point we will hold formal elections and seek additional members to join what is clearly currently an incapable executive.
Being France we then retired for a loonnnnggggg lunch - after which we actually got some stuff done! The highlight of which was welcoming Romania into the Union. They must wonder what they've done.

A fast drive home, shower & change - then into Les Houches to meet some French based UK colleagues for a social in the ever so tacky (they're aiming for fun) Rocky Pop - its impressive in an odd way.
Parking this was the view that greeted us, glorious light at the end of the day.

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