7 Wheels to the Wind...

It was like an itch. I just had to scratch it but I knew I'd regret scratching it. Scratch it I did and regret it I did.

Luckily, it only cost me one pound sterling to purchase a car boot copy of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and satisfy that itch.

It is undeniably the worst of the Indiana Jones films (I think the best is Temple of Doom but I'm not sure that's a widely held view) but having the other three and a penchant for trashy action flicks, I picked it up and paid for it.


Notes on the Picture...
Yes, seven wheels, the three you can see in the picture, the three attached to the bikes in view plus the one unicycle attached to my rack on it's delivery run to BlipCentral. A nice wee lunchtime cycle round parts of Edinburgh I only really seen other than from a bus.

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