24 hours

What a difference a day makes. This was taken 24 hours ago, not from shore but from waaaaay out on the bay and the above was taken this afternoon. I wouldn't have taken my boat out today for all the money in the world. Well maybe...

This fellow and his yacht came steaming into Manly Harbour under very little sail. He was still motoring along though. You can always tell the true yachties because they "sail" into the harbour rather than use mechanical propulsion.

The weather was appalling today. Squally rain showers, high winds and overcast conditions...and it was still hot and humid! Almost a complete contrast to yesterday. I slept in, helped with the housework, backed up some of my ancient PC, snoozed and eventually threw a rod in the car and went off to a secret, sheltered fishing spot on Lota Creek. So secret I haven't been there for ten years! While casting a few lures a fellow stopped for a chat. I instantly recognised him as a local TV and radio personality but didn't let on I knew. We had a good old chat while I fished. He does the fishing and boating report every day on the radio so it was quite good to pick his brain (whithout letting him know I knew who he was). Not a bad chap.

Is that a brush with fame?

Now to watch Revenge of the Pink Panther with a glass of wine.

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