twinned with trumpton


So up early; got the boys washed and scrubbed and packed and marched them up to the top of the hill; a cheery wave to Pensioner who was dropping his boat into the harbour ahead of a season of making waves; and off on the bike for a couple of hours - 25 miles around west and then south Embra. Cigs hunting proved successful. 

Then to hers; she finished work whilst I did manly things. With a screwdriver.
We hit Tollcross for a punt on the national before lying in the sunshine at the Meadows; prosecco and strawberries. It was hardly warm but pleasant enough all the same. Then to hers for dinner; smoked salmon to pick at for a starter; a Thai prawn salad and then meringues to mop up the remaining strawbs.

A dodgy bike ride home around 9; three times people leapt of pavements into me; 2 making contact and nearly knocking me over; it's a dangerous business this cycling.   

(I do have to point out that's my glass she's holding; whilst I took the photo)

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