When Your World is Full of Strange Arrangements...

This whole empty nest thing is really starting to bug me.

The washing machine hasn't been on once this week.

When we come in after work, there are only our breakfast dishes to wash.

Our cupboard is full of glasses and mugs, we no longer have to search for clean ones.

The hallway is clear, there is no longer a pile of shoes, books and bags to climb over on the way in.

Monday was Volleyball in Prestwick.

Tuesday was off.

Wednesday was Volleyball at School.

Thursday was Volleyball in Ayr.

Friday was party night and drive round and pick up.

Saturday was Ladies Cup League - Matches from Ayrshire to Edinburgh, sometimes Dundee.

Sunday was JNL.

My time is now my own, and I don't know what to flipping do with myself!

Except burn cakes in the kitchen. Watch out for burnt cakes coming your way soon.

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