Forever in Pursuit...

"I'm forever in pursuit and I don't even know what I am chasing." (Harold M Abrahams, Chariots of Fire).

Today's blip is an opportunistic one.

I was visiting St Andrews to have lunch with a friend and took the East Neuk route as I had heard of a field edged with sunflowers. I spent a good time freezing in the coastal wind taking photos of fantastic, albeit slightly stunted Scottish sunflowers and presumed they would be today's blip.

After lunch, I went for a walk down to the West Sands. The wind was extremely strong and the sea quite exciting. I met a tourist who asked if I would take her photo. So I did. Then she wanted her photo taken with me - strange but she didn't have a photo with a "real" Scottish person apparently. Cue Scottish peely-wally Scot with greying hair blowing vertically in a photo with a glamorous young ?Korean? Who knows where that photo will land up....

Was about to head back to the car when I spotted this guy running towards me in his Chariots of Fire garb. Camera was on art filter but I like it....

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