Same Horse Farm One Day Later

Felt better today so went to work, worked, went back home.  That said, it was a really short day at work.  Entered the marks for first-year Project Management and replied to some mail, and there was some cake and wine in the office in celebration of a rather successful Block 4, despite some snags which shouldn't be difficult to straighten out for next year.  My Spanish colleague has been very efficient with regards to the organization of this block, and she worked really hard to make sure it flowed smoothly.

5.5 hours of NCIS this evening, and some genealogy info worked out during the commercials, as well as the dishes.  There is a meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning which I do not feel like attending and I am suffering from the pressure of whether or not to attend it.  It will be a waste of my time and I am still exhausted from the past weeks.  Will see how I feel in the morning.

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