Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Spokes Ride to East Lothian and Midlothian

The first Sunday of the Month again, and the Spokes Ride Was supposed to be all Midlothian. However, there is a desert of decent eateries that can take a group, so I have to mix it up. There's 13 of us. The ride goes from sea level to 292m, 958ft, ASL.

In the morning, we head east out of Edinburgh along the Innocent Railway path to Musselburgh. We stop just beyond Fisherrow Harbour. I get a nice shot, Extra 1 below. The follow the coast to Prestonpans. We the cycle inland, and up hill, to Tranent and New Winton. Then its west through Elphinstone and north through Carberry to the Craig House Hotel for lunch.

After lunch, we cycle along the Whitecraig to Dalkeith cycle path, through Dalkeith, and then on to the Dalkeith to Penicuik path to Bonnyrigg. Then its south following NCN Route 1. This takes us to Carrington, which is, unfortunately, up hill and in to the wind. We regroup at Carrington, then press on to the Braidwood Bridge, Extra 2, which spans the gorge of the River South Esk. The bridge was erected by Robert Dundas of Arniston, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, in 1811. It means there is not the awkward old route over the River South Esk by the old Temple Church, which involves more climbing and descent than is absolutely necessary.

It is quite early, so rather than head up the hill through Temple, I continue along NCN 1 passing through Castleton and by Outerston. Its not as steep, and you get to see more countryside. By Yorkston, there is a final steep climb up to the highest point of the ride. This is 292m, 958ft, ASL. The main blip is just to the south of that point is of Dundreich, not seen is the Gladhouse Reservoir.

The cycling from here is much easier. Down to the Gladhouse road, through Gladhouse, then north to the Top Gear Road, B6372. We do have to cycle up to Mount Lothian, but the wind is not hindering us. We cross over B7026, as I don't thing the group want to cycle up the steep Auchendinny Brae, and we go down Pomathorn Road in to Penicuik. Its back to Edinburgh, along the A701, through Bush, which is supposed to be closed, but we can use the cycle path, and on to the A703 Seafield Moor Road, to Hillend.

The ride ends at Fairmilehead. We've cycled a bit more than planned, about 50 miles. But its been a cracking day.

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