Busy! Busy!

The Resources room has totally consumed me! Now I have made a start I just can't stop! As it was so hot in the conservatory sister finally left her reading and knitting to join me in the afternoon and got similarly obsessed! We did stop for lunch and dinner but I got sucked in again in the evening and sister finally came upstairs to see what I was up to and got hooked again! We finally stopped at midnight! So much sorted - so much thrown away! I'm keeping what I hope to be a lending topic resource for playgrouops and primary schools - my sister said the days of displays with material as backdrop and surface covering seem to be a thing of the past, she was the only one to still do them in her school. How sterile teaching must have become, powerpoints and computer learning I  guess, but where is the stimulation of handling artefacts and objects, the Sensory, creative approach to teaching and capturing the interest and curiosity of young minds? What sort of society can we expect if teaching is all about assessment and progress made in  numeric terms?
Sister goes home tomorrow and we have both had a lovely week and it's helped to pull  me out of my recent dip in mood. 
Pleiones in the sun for blip - I have had them for nearly 20 years and only repotted them once! Marvellous bulbs!

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