Looking back to Glen Doll
The rest of the gang decided to go looking for a Bothy someone saw on a Christmas card once.
So I did Tom Buidhe and Tolmont alone. I made sure I had a good route guide and a GPS and it turned out to be an amazing day.
The forrest walk up Glen Doll is lovely. I followed Jock's Road onto the plateau and had a look in the shelter called Davy's Bourach. You would have to be pretty desperate to use it rather than face the walk down to the lodge.
I took a bearing and headed up to Tom Buidhe, a round hill I last saw in winter looking like the Glass Mountain, today it was green and round and featureless, except for a Hooley of Hares. They were still in their winter white, but looked plump and bouncy as they skipped across the hill.
Thirty minutes later I was on Tolmount and it wasn't even lunch time. So I decided to head back to base via the Glittering Skellies, which is basically a huge bog.
After struggling down a steep slope through knee high heather on peaty ground for what felt like hours I found the river South Esk and followed it back to the track. The Glen turned back into a green verdant forested landscape which welcomed me back to civilisation.
I beat the Bothy gang back, meaning I got first shower and I was sitting on a bench in the sunshine with a wee glass of something in my hand when they finally turned up back at the bunkhouse.
A pleasant evening and an early night.
One of the nicest walks I've had in a while.
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