
By Green56

Little ray of sunshine

It was so lovely waking up to 'nana, nana!' this morning. After our usual cuddle, songs and game of hide and seek in my bed we came downstairs and I had to endure fireman Sam for a while until she went into the conservatory and played with the play doh. She came to church with me and it started outside with a procession of palms and she had forgotten her jacket! She was very good but sweets were needed to keep her going through the long Passion. We didn't make it to the park, we will have to go tomorrow. Matt took her shopping for new shoes as she's grown out of all the ones we had. They had a lovely afternoon together with his friend and his children, Bella and Lilly are the same age and play nicely together. Bath and bed and the story of Beauty and the Beast as we might go to see the new one at the cinema tomorrow after planting our veg.
She's definitely having a lovely time, lots of smiles, chat and laughter.

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