La vida de Annie

By Annie

Cala Tortuga.

Long walk with the dogs today. I've wanted to get to Turtle Cove for a while but it involves quite a tedious walk over high ground with no shade, so not ideal in the Summer. Sunny today but a nice fresh breeze, and this first sighting of the beach was well worth the effort. Buster was off down the steep path like a rocket to lay claim to the sand, but Minnie as usual stays nearby watching my slow progress. By this point the leg with the metal rod in it was giving me some grief, and I was aware I had the same distance to travel to get back to the car. Glad I came before the tourists descend though.
Extras are the view in the opposite direction with the lighthouse of Favàritx, and a shot of the long path along the scrubland, which is mostly rocks and slate with, just now, some yellow flowers. In Summer this will all be grey, brown and dusty.

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