
By RaceyTrace333

Goodbye Shadows

Today I popped for a bit of lunch. This is my friend Neil, we are waving goodbye as we might not see each other again before I leave.

Back in 2007 Him and his partner used to say to me, your are the sister we have always wanted (so I thought). After about 2yrs of saying this I realised what they were actually saying was, that I was the sister they have never wanted :( :(

I am now off work until Monday, trying to sort some things out. I should know next week the date I actually set off on my adventure.

Busy weekend ahead, friends round for drinks on Saturday. Then out for lunch on Sunday with one of my best friends.

Set up my Skype account today, so I can speak to people back home when I am in America. That way I can actually still see Roxy.

Hope you are having a good week.

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