Arvin at Silverado

A day late with this blip. Yesterday, when I took this, Helena and I picked up Arvin and took him out to lunch at La Fiama in Bellingham. When we got to Silverado I didn't see him so I went on a search. It was around noon. When I found him I was shocked. He was still in bed in a state that I don't want to describe in detail. Suffice it to say, it was not good. And according to the caregivers, he hadn't gotten up yet so this must have been how he slept during the night. I am not amused and will have a conversation soon about that.

The caregiver dressed Arvin and H and I took him out. He loved his French toast with raspberry sauce and maple syrup and ate every bite. Helena had a breakfast pizza and I had a lunch combo. It was all yummy. We like to go to the pizza restaurant for brunch and Arvin loved it too.

We walked to Helena's apartment which is near the restaurant and I helped her put a new ink cartridge in her printer. She was really tired by then as she is still recovering from her sinus infection so we left her home and Arvin and I drove back to Silverado. When we got there we sat in the sun and that's where I took this picture.

I drove home and took a nap on the couch until Steve came over. He brought a stir fry dinner and we ate, drank and played two games of Carcassonne. It was a lovely evening. After Steve left I watched Call the Midwife and one episode of Heartland before bed.

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