My eye was still a bit achy when I woke up this morning, so I caught a slightly earlier train and popped to the opticians before work - and then back there at lunchtime for an 'eye health check.' I wasn't really too worried but I'm quite attached to my eyes, so didn't want to risk ignoring a problem. Anyway, as I suspected, they confirmed that the pupil dilating drops I'd had last week were to blame - as well as dilating the pupil, they relax the focusing muscles in the eye. So when I went home and worked on my laptop all afternoon, I was doing myself no favours. Think I've basically pulled the muscles in my eye! The achy-ness is easing off though, and the optician reassured me I don't have anything to worry about.
Left work a few minutes earlier than usual tonight, and walked to Bank with Char - then nipped down to the river quickly to grab a few shots before catching the train home.
Called my Mum this evening and had a nice catch up with her. Tim went out and picked up yet more buckets from Screwfix - we're getting through them at a rate of knots with all the tile adhesive, grout, etc, we're using.
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